Tag Archives: Life

Salmon and Snow

This post is brought to you by:




and a SNOW DAY.

Drink ALL the antioxidants.

Drink ALL the antioxidants.

so, therefore WINE.  Naturally.

Anyway,  I whipped up some salmon dip for a little protein action to top off my salad for lunch.


Also making an appearance in this salad…TJ’s new Cruciferous Crunch (I roasted it last night, tossed with olive oil and balsamic vinegar at 400 degrees for 15 mins.)  New. Obsession. Can’t go wrong with these veggies!


Inside the salad: Spring mix, roasted TJ’s Cruciferous Crunch, salmon dip, feta cheese, balsamic vinaigrette

Salmon Dip

Created by: Katie Dondero


12 oz. of  TJ’s canned Alaskan Pink Salmon, drained (make sure its boneless!)

1 tbsp lowfat cream cheese

2 tbsp Plain Greek Yogurt (I used fat-free)

1 tbsp ketchup

Old Bay seasoning to taste

Smoked Paprika to taste

Directions:  Mix all ingredients together well, add desired amount of seasonings to taste.


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Latest and Greatest

New blog style.  New job.  New house.  New opportunities.  New beginnings…..and almost a new year!  Now that we’ve settled down a bit in the Dondero household,  I’m back to sharing fitness and lifestyle inspiration, delicious recipes, and entertaining you with the general rediculousness of my life.  Your welcome.

Today’s Yogi tea bag


What I’m Reading

I often have ADD when it comes to reading, so I am almost always reading more than one book at once.  I am constantly talking myself out of buying more books to read, convincing myself I need to finish the one (or 10) I’ve started before I can buy a new one.  Realistically, I should probably own stock in Barnes and Noble or Amazon (someone please buy me a Kindle!).

Anyway, here are some great books I am in the process of reading…and I am always looking for new ones if you have any to suggest! Also, I have a variety of types of books that I am reading, depending on my mood.  Hence the categories below.

Summer is the best time to curl up with a book at the pool or on the porch, or after your workout of course! (all book images from Amazon.com)

Educational read:

A great read about sustainability of food and land resources.  If you like local food, farmer’s markets, and eating a well balanced diet, this is a very cool read.

Mindless read:

If you have never read a Chelsea Handler book or seen her show, go out now and do so.  This. Is. Hilarious.  Like ‘pee your pants’ hilarious, and a quick read.

Storyline read:

This gal was originally homeless, and through hard work, dedication, and a love for learning, she found herself applying and being accepted to Harvard University.  I think she was on Oprah at some point if I remember correctly… Very interesting and empowering story about working with the hand you are dealt in life.

Hobby read:

Interested in barefoot running, or just how to rid yourself of running injuries in general? A must read.  I listened to the physical therapist who treated McDougall speak at the last ACSM National Converence in Denver, and I was so enlightened!  Lots of concrete, well-researched evidence on the benefits of proper biofeedback during running.

All are great so far.  I also highly recommend any of Michael Pollan’s books, especially The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals.  I “read” this on Audiobook during my crazy commutes and this has become one of my favorite books.  An incredible, eye opening read!

That’s it! I have so many more great books I can recommend, especially geared toward nutrition, exercise, and proper recovery.  Anyone interested in a fitness/health themed book post? Let me know.


Sick Day = Blog Day

Hi everyone, unfortunately I am home sick today with a case of the “can’t-breathe-can’t-hear-can’t-talk” disease.  I’m thinking its a headcold or maybe some heightened allergies, although I’m not usually one to suffer during allergy season.  Nevertheless, I am home with the pup catching up on emails, and yes, my blog.

Anyways, here was this Tuesday’s Crossfit workout:


800m Run

3 Rounds of: 10 pushups, 10 situps

Skill Workout:

5 sets of 2 reps – Power Snatch  *worked on drilling technique and execution*

Power Snatch – demo video

Workout of the Day:

15 min. AMRAP of:

1 clean and jerk, 1 box jump

2 clean and jerk, 2 box jumps

3 and 3, 4 and 4, etc. until time elapses.

Clean and Jerk – demo video

Cooldown: Stretch!

I brought my awesome sister-in-law, Alyssa to CrossFit with me today.  She is a great athlete and showed up with some serious skill today! She just got home from college for the summer, so she will be working out with us alot! Excited 🙂

So about this sickness, here’s what I am doing to take action:

  1. SLEEP.  I’ve got so much on my plate that I can always catch up on this.  Also, during sleep is when your body works on muscle repairs and immune function.  So this is not to be undermined as a great “get-well” tool.
  2. Eat my veggies.  I’m pretty good at this, but those leafy greens are great for the immune system and body repairs.  So just to make sure, I had a great cup of “Greens and Beans” soup from B.B. Bistro this afternoon for lunch.  Full of collards and garbanzos.  Mmm.  Followed by half a curried tuna wrap. Delish.
  3. Lots of fluids.  Being well-hydrated will speed your recovery and allow your body to flush out the junk that’s not making you feel great.
  4. REST.  Exercise is generally ok to do when you’re sick, as long as your symptoms are not flu-like.  If you have a fever, upset stomach, etc. it’s probably not a great idea.  However, that said, keep the exercise to a moderate intensity.  No CrossFit for me today!  We will re-evaluate tomorrow…
Hopefully taking today off will aid in recovery and I will be back to work tomorrow.  It’s gunna be a busy weekend in Annapolis!  We’ve got ZOOMA training runs, the TriRock Annapolis Triathlon (I’m cheering though, not participating), and beautiful weather!  Stay tuned 🙂

The ABCs of Me :)

There’s been a sort of “post chain” going around the blog world lately called the ABCs of me.  I thought it would be fun, especially since I am new to the blogging world and it will allow people to know a few facts about me.  So here goes!

A. Age: 25

B. Bed size: Uhh, Full.  But we’re getting a queen.  I know we’re both small people but it’s cozy a tight sqeeze.

C. Chore you dislike: Laundry and Dishes.  I will vaccum and clean till I’m sweating but I absolutely hate dishes and laundry.  Luckily, Adam does the dishes (occcasionally…) and we both try to teamwork the laundry situation.  It’s brutal when you have to pay for it 😦

D. Dogs: Finn! (aka – Mr. Finn, Finn Monster, Finn Man, Finn the Puppy)  Mischievous 9 month old puppy.  He was rescued and adopted at 10 weeks old right after we got back from our honeymoon, and we think he’s a Lab/Shepherd/Hound mix.

E. Essential start to your day: COFFEE. Last year during Lent, I gave it up.  I actually made it through without cheating, but my coworkers and patients probably hated me.  Let’s just say, never again!

F. Favorite color: Blue 🙂

G. Gold or silver: White gold!

Natalie Franke Photography

H. Height: 5 foot….and a 1/2 inch! That 1/2 inch is very important to me.

I. Instruments you play(ed): I used to play the clarinet…from 4th grade through senior year of high school.  I never touched it again after I graduated HS, but I am still fairly musical.

J. Job title: Clinical Exercise Physiologist.  No one knows what that is (unless you know me, probably.)  I help manage chronic diseases/conditions through exercise. For example: cardiac patients, pulmonary patients, Parkinson’s disease, low back pain, correction of muscle imbalances…you name it, I’m probably certified to deal with it.  BUT – I am not a physical therapist…we are very different 🙂  whew…and step off soapbox.

K. Kids: Not yet!  The pup is enough to handle for now 😉

Finn likes beer.

L. Live: I currently live in Annapolis, MD since July 2010.  Before that, I lived in Charlotte, NC and I miss it dearly!  Before that, I was in Elon, NC for school and I am originally from the Annapolis area.

M. Mom’s name: Cindi….with an “i”. She loves me 🙂

N. Nicknames: Katie, Kate (by my immediate family), Blondie or Blonde girl from Adam, Super K and Mrs. Mugatu from Adam’s rugby team….ya.  Umm, and my Dad probably has about 50 for me, one of which is Katrina.  Not sure why, but I think he makes things up to amuse himself.

O. Overnight hospital stays: None, I believe…

P. Pet peeves: I’m super Type A, so about a million things drive me nuts and/or make me anxious.  A few off the top of my head: A dirty house/apt. But you would never know it by seeing ours.  But especially trash laying around that could EASILY be put in a trash can. Also lying, cheating, and anything generally morally unacceptable.  From my dancing days, I hated when dancers didn’t point their toes.

Q. Quote from a movie: I can’t think of a favorite but around here, we frequently quote Old School, Out Cold, and other immature movies. 🙂

R. Righty or lefty: RIGHT!

S. Siblings: Moira (22) and 2 sister-in-laws who are practically real sisters – Mara (22) and Alyssa (18)

Natalie Franke Photography

T. Time you wake up: It varies on clients.  The earliest is 5 am and the latest would probably be 9 on weekends.  But I am a big napper so occasionally I wake up at strange times.

U. Underwear: umm yes? My favs are Hanky Panky and Victoria’s Secret cotton. None of that PINK stuff with things written on the butt like “Take me home tonight”….nope.

V. Vegetables you don’t’ like: I think I like all veggies, but I’m a little picky on how certain ones are prepared.

W. What makes you run late: Oversleeping.  I am SO not a morning person.  Or sometimes the dog when he takes too long outside.

X. X-rays you’ve had: wrist when I was 6 and broke it, teeth (a LOT. I have horribly soft teeth) and my ankle during my dancing days was actually X-rayed with my point shoe on, en pointe.  Trying to figure out what was pinching while I was en pointe.  Turns out I have a partial tear in the Achilles that has now scar-tissued over itself 😦 sweet.

Y. Yummy food you make: I make lots of good food but they’re usually spins of off other people’s recipes. Check out my Blog Love links! Such good cooks over there 🙂

Z. Zoo animal favorites: Polar bears! and Tigers, and anything else that looks cute and cuddly.  I’m such an animal lover.

The END!  I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!
